Do you have an ipod? Or have a friend with one? You can use those as a flash drive, however it will take probably 15 mins per 1 gig of data to transfer over unless you have a 2.0 usb port.
Right now you can buy a 1.0 gig flash drive at stapes for $25.00 so you could do that as well. Another option is to buy a printer cable with 2 male ends on it. Then you can hook your 2 computers together and transfer the files.
heh, 1 more option would be, (if you can get online with both computers, at different times is fine) Setup a gmail account (i have invites if you need one) then you can use firefox with a plugin, which will allow you to store 2 gigs of data on gmail. So you could upload your songs there, then get online with your other computer and download them back to your computer. (if your on dial up that could take forever..)