I PM'd this to you on ARTcom as well...
Ok, so your trans points down 4*, and the first shaft goes down 1*. You go the operating of 3* correct. Now the second shaft points up 3*, so the operating angle between the first and second shaft is 4* (3up + 1 down).
So now we take the second operating angle (4*), and subtract from itthe first (3*), to get 4* - 3* = 1*. (note: it doesn't matter which is subtracted from which, as there really are no 'negatives' and 'positives'. You'd get either a -1, or a 1, which are both 1* operating angles).
So the operating angle between the diff and second shaft would have to be 1*. But if you already have your rear end in place, and you're adjusting link bars, then the second shaft will change angle as you change the pinion angle, so essentially you'll want to adjust it a lil, then remeasure, recalculate, etc, etc, until you have it right.
Make sense?