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General Discussion \  any detailed 2 link pics

any detailed 2 link pics

General Discussion
views 9126
replies 43
following 15
b dime   +1y
2 link, 4 link, I know. I am leaning on the 2 link side, simple, clean and cheaper. The ride can't be that rough, the truck is over 20ft, long. I may do only F/B set up, never seen any hard side to sides on a dually.

balcar   +1y
no 2 link, just 4 link, or 3 link, much better... thank you....

I've got the standard air ride tech link bars on mine thats modified to not have the rear bag pertch on them, with bag over axle setup. I'll take more pics of mine when I convert it over to the 3 link setup.
guilty by design   +1y
Ask Chase, hes all about that 2 link crap!
dragnasty   +1y
dont hate on tha 2 link!
balcar   +1y

yuppers 2 link crap. haha.. time for some egg throwing back and forth on 2 link vs 4 link, vs 3 link, vs 5 links, vs 6 links, vs leaf springs. haha
liljlowrider   +1y
2 link
dragnasty   +1y
Im in no way knocking 3,4,5,6 links. Please dont get that idea. Im just saying, dont completely knock 2 links. They have proved themselves to me time and time again.
guilty by design   +1y
awww chase done got his panties in a bind. Its so much fun making fun of the shortbus kids.

Yes 2 links will get it done, but the characteristics leave some things to be desired.
dragnasty   +1y

Im not upset. I was just stating that I wasnt rying to start an argument beacause Im not against any of the link setups.
balcar   +1y
There are many reasons why 2 links are no good. The only good thing I can think of is they are cheap and easy to install. I've done one back in teh day and while its still working fine, i'll never do one at my shop again, its not worth my reputation. I've taken a good amount of them out to replace them with 4-links or 3 links. Spend the extra 50 bucks and 2 hours to make it into a 3 link at least. Actually the F150 i'm bagging now has a extensive kit in it thats comming out, its REALLY bad, but its mostly due to the installer that installed it. I think i'm going to make the 2 link bars into new legs for my sheet metal brake. haha.