i havent seen anything like it and i wanna try it out so i can keep most of my bedroom without a big ugly bedcage ... this is a really rough not to scale drawing
the top uses 4 link with coilover and the bottom one uses either giant motorsports 64" leaves or deaver race pack leaves... and a tripple bypass shock
all you engeneering gurus help me out
and give me some feedback
um ...on the first pic wouldnt that assembly work better if it were on the same side as the trailing arm. I see the motion of the bracket travelling in the same direction and achieving way more lift without it binding.If the math was correct you could adjust how close you wanted it to the axle so your driveshaft wouldnt slip outta the tranny ?
only thing about that set up is make sure u run strong steel, and figuire in a factor of safety, the longer the members get more shear stress, and bending moment theyll have. best of luck to you, should be a sick set up