Edited: 10/29/2006 4:06:17 PM by lester622
it sucks to hear that but you'll get it bac more then likly they took it for the wheels and stereo and dont have no use for the airride or for that matter know anything about it, but the best thing to get is a column lock its a metal shell that fits around the column and it has a bar that locks on top so u cant crack the column and hot wire it and u cant turn the wheel either, however if they want it bad enough they will take it no matter wat u have on it, just get full coverage and keep all the reciepts thats wat i do .......... oh and if u get a expensive set of wheels get a dremel tool and put ur name are somehtin in the inside kinda small where the idiots wont notice it and if u see the wheels on somebody elses truck and think there urs when u go get the police u tell them about the name on the bac and if its there then theres no questions asked swho evers truck they were on goes to jail and u get ur wheels .......