i figured this is the best place to let people know.
being in california workin at mini truckin gave me the chance to put renderings on hold, and now as im finishing up my last rendering, im going to take a break from doing them for a while.
ill still take requests im just going to be picky about what i do, im more interested in doing some sponsered renderings.
so if you have a crazy project you would like some help with promoting, im interested in sponsorship and trading work.
as far as paying gigs though they just come at me to fast and to many of them, and the reason for me wanting to take a break is, i find myself often bored of making some of them. a lot of the renderings just arent interesting anymore.
ill be back eventually but in the mean time im taking a break at least till january, to just reorganize myself and see what other options i have
as well as getting started on the 3rd SURFACE DVDi should have a Teaser by Reso