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Off-topic \  Any electritions out there???

Any electritions out there???

Off-topic General Discussions
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Bdierks   +1y
I am looking into getting into this field and have a question or two. Which is better, a union or non-union? and why? i have a buddy that went through the non-union apprenticeship. And he likes it alot. But i want to know a little bit about the union before i make a choice.
j-bird   +1y
union and non-union has there up's and down....union you pay dues and they get you work. non-union no dues and you never know what can happen with the company. but with union too they can send you all over the place. the union is trying to take over FL. but i don't see that happening because we're a right to work state! i know some people in the union. and they don't mind it. but i don't see me doing it,unless that what i have to do! do the apprenticeship,you'll really enjoy it!
j-bird   +1y
and another thing. when looking into the union or non-union ask any question you can think of. no question is dumb. there's just dumb answers.
get with your boy and see what he didn't ask that he could of or should of! peace out like a burnt up filament
LVdubbin   +1y
Go union won't regret it. I'm a union sheetmetal worker and I love it, well the pay is good anyway. Were the second highest paid union in Las Vegas, second only to elevator constructors. Yea you have to pay dues...big fucking deal. You get 401K, vacation fund, and health insurance with the union. And you don't have to beg bargain to get a raise.

Just remember "United we bargain...Divided we beg".

And nobody likes a rat anyway!

UNION all the way!
Bdierks   +1y
Cool thanks guys.
dragrocker   +1y
from what i know, if you are a good worker you wont get laid off or anything like that. i am not union, i am an electrician and like it. its good money. if you go union your benifits are great as well . if i could do it again i would probably go union. i think about it all the time. eithe way just work hard and show up everyday and you will work out good.
Originally posted by LVdubbin

Go union won't regret it. I'm a union sheetmetal worker and I love it, well the pay is good anyway. Were the second highest paid union in Las Vegas, second only to elevator constructors. Yea you have to pay dues...big fucking deal. You get 401K, vacation fund, and health insurance with the union. And you don't have to beg bargain to get a raise.

Just remember "United we bargain...Divided we beg".

And nobody likes a rat anyway!

UNION all the way!

union electrician outta delaware lu313.....^^^this guy couldnt have said it better
dragrocker   +1y
ahh the good ol rat comment, come on man arnt we a little better than that. i make good money ,dont beg for a raise and work for a living to provide for my family just like you.
LVdubbin   +1y
Hey bro it's all good, but out here in Vegas the non-union guys get about $25 a hour tops and thats a foreman. However a union journeyman with his A card gets $37.14 an hour. You could give your family that much more. You pickin' up what I'm layin' down.

Sheet Metal Workers Local 88 Las Vegas, NV
dragrocker   +1y
oh yea i hear ya. theres pros and cons with everything. i am thinking of going union in the next year or so, so i do understand. i just dont like the 'scab, or rat' comments. because for everyone saying those kinda things there are worthless people keeping thier jobs just because theyare union