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General Discussion \  I'M GLADE F,ING MARCH IS OVER


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pig rig   +1y
this month has just plain sucked large ass
first it started with my blazer gitting broke into. I guess it was easyer to cave the passanger door in so that they could pry the lock out then it was to walk around and open the drivers door but the best part is the stereo that they took realy didn't work so well and my cell phone was an old piece of shit that most of the numbers didn't work

2nd as of yesterday I was still waitting for my cam so I could finish assembleing my engine for my truck it finaly came 3 weeks late but I got the wrong valve springs so they had to go back so that project is still in a holding pattron

3rd my car trailer was stolen some time between monday night and yesterday and I've been sick since monday night so I hadn't noticed it gone untill I got called from the sheriff wanting to know why my trailer was being scraped at the local recycler

and 4th I put a big ass hole in the oil pan of my blazer with a flying object (rod and part of the crank) so I won't be driving that to TN. You would think for as many vehicals that I own I would own more then one that I would trust to drive it cross the country and back and know it would make it

and so all my long nights of trying to get ahead and get lose end tied up so I could go to the center of the univers know'n as TWAT and to go to layed out in the park is'n going to happen and I'm pissed off because I wanted to come back and have my midlife crises with you guys and celebrate my 40th birthday at loatp

wow I can't belive that I set and typed all that in one shot
krewzlo   +1y
Sorry for the bad luck man. I haven't had the best week either. My quad that I just put a high compression big bore kit in blew a fricken head gasket with like 3 hours on it. I just got done putting it back together so I can go to opening day on Sunday at the Sand dunes, and to top it all off it is supposed to flippin rain all day.
low95xlt   +1y
wow only got a few more days and hopefully april is a good month
trevor g   +1y
but at least you had fun packing the springs for their trip to Canada for me!!!!
liljlowrider   +1y
it will get better pig..
bdydrped   +1y
damn man.... that was a helluva month.

hopefully that was rock bottom so its only goin up fromt here( thats the protangonist speakin from within)
baha   +1y
April will be better man Happy Early Bday when is yours BTW? mine is in April to.
low95xlt   +1y
happy birthday to you both, how is your april so far?
jp87crewcabdually   +1y
That sound like it sucked balls! Did you atleast get your trailer back? What kind if crackhead thinks he can steal a car hauler and scrap it without a title? I scrap alot of cars through my towing business and I always have to have the paperwork in order. I have scrapped over 170 vehicles this year already!
1fastlx   +1y
well happy birthday anyway it would have been cooler in TN thought!!!