since you paint at such a low psi, i'd bet even a 20gal would work, but don't forget all the other tools involved in painting. mine is an 80 gal., but i help out a buddy at his shop & he has a 60 gal 13cfm & it has a hard time keeping up with DA's, air files, grinders, cut off wheels, etc. it gets really annoying when you sand down 1/2 a panel & have to wait 5 min (about 1 cigarette) before you can get back to work & then only work for 5-10- minutes. he's constantly wishing he'd have just spent the extra $300 for the 80.
i'd say go with at least an 80 gal, but even mine if i have anyone working with me & say we're running 2 DA's it'll only keep about 90-100 psi. (& the more the pump runs, the more water...remember that too) a 120 gal is the real way to go, but if it'll only be you working off it then go 80.
good luck!