do you have an a/c? i have an 88 toyota where the a/c compressor seized up on it... i disconnected the a/c compressor and was going to hook my a/c switch up to my electric compressors for the air suspension. but i wanted to push the switch to see what would happen and without the a/c compressor hooked up when i pushed the switch in, the truck does exactly that. it goes up and down...the truck is looking a drag on the motor to compansate for but since there was nothing there it would just run up and down from 1000 to 2000. also, is your alternator good? i had one also go out a while back but i had to drive it through town for a lil while...it also will make the rpms go up and down like that because the battery is running low on power and the truck is going to try to spin the alternator faster to generate more charge. which also causes the rpms to go up and down. although my truck has a 22r this could be something worth trouble shooting. does it do it when your driving it above 2000 rpm? or when you push in the clutch to shift and let it come back down to idle while your driving? anyways good luck with it.