There are many theories to it and all those seem sound, except the robot one seems hillarious, but could be valid as well. With the current war that is taking place, I can see how events can lead up to nations turning against nations and thus, creating a catastrophic war that includes nuclear warfare. Although I'm not affluent and well-versed with the Bible, some friends of mine are and suggest that the theories proposed are upon us now. However, just like any other text, I believe that one can argue and interpret the Bible to fit into their own argument. I'm not dis-crediting those who wrote it, but for instance: the implication that the world is around 6,000 years old can be disputed by scientific findings of dinosaur bones that suggest it is millions. Thus, leading one to extract and assume that perhaps God's 6,000 years are parallel our current million year calendaring that suggest such.
Anyways, don't know how I got sidetracked, but when one talks about the end of the world, it is easy to refer to the bible. Hopefully, I don't have to witness it.