fuck these guys and their tempo hating, Tempos are ba! i have long since come to terms that when all is said and done its still a tempo, but the amount of work and ingenuity far surpasses an everyday minitruck or truck for that matter. And my favorite thing to do is drag on trucks in that thing, its a great conversation starter and im all about conversing! I will tell you though bagging one is easy, but laying out, thats a little more in depth, lots of cutting and re-thinking, hell im still working on the front, but i do have a great idea for it, just have to get it done. I have some aim struts, yes i know aim, blah fuckin blah, aim sucks, the struts never did me wrong but i dont need them anymore, they were only ran for about 6 months, so im looking to get rid of them if your interested. I say do it bevause you can and if anyone has a problem then whatever no skin of your back, their wasted energy.