+1y, theres a possibility i may be the new ownder of a clean ass 86 square body crew cab dually. It currently has 22" semi wheels.
my questions are these:
I want just bassicly lay frame with it right now, From my basic measuring, i see the rear dually fenders will need to be widened a bit.....does anyone know how much? and does anyone know if they need stretched legnthwise also? and.... there metal right?
also, is there an atlernative to stretching or widening the fenders? like does grant make a set you can throw on that solve your problem?
it has a 454 with a 400 tranny, carburated, can anyone tell me what approx gas mileage i will get with it on the highway? not towing, just crusing.
Does anyone have a picture of an old body on 22s? just curuios to what it will look like laying frame only, not bodydropped.....or if i will need to SFBD it to get the look i want.
I appriceate the help, i excited about the new purchase, and just want to know what im getting into. Im a fairly experinced builder, i just like to be prepared.