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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  taking dash out of 98 accord

taking dash out of 98 accord

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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jrock74   +1y
someone please tell me how to remove the middle section of the dash from my 98 accord.what all is involved.goin to take out and finish the hypnotic swirl theme on it.why can't i get the damn center console out.any every bolt i can see and it will not budge.
bigtone   +1y
did u take out the 2 screws on each side by the seat belt buckles. If u open the center console there is a square plastic piece at the bottom, take a small screwdriver and remove the plastic piece there should be two screws under there. slide the console back and out of the way then u will find a few more screws where the two pieces come together .there is a piece under the stereo that has clips removethe panel and u will find two more screws then that part of the console should come out.
jrock74   +1y
thanks bigtone.i'll try you know anything about the middle section of the dash?
bigtone   +1y
what do you need to know
jrock74   +1y
the middle section that wraps around the vents,glove box,radio cluster,and the gauge my glove box done,but need to finish the theme on the middle section.trying to find out if you can just take that piece out and not the entire dash.thanks
Accord2 Show   +1y
Edited: 3/28/2007 4:55:05 AM by Accord2 Show

In order to take the middle out there are two screws on the bottom and one behind the the clock. The clock just pops out with a flat head screw driver. As far as the gauge cluster there are two on the top underneath of it. hop I have been of help.
jrock74   +1y
thanks accord2show.know how to do that.i'm talking about the actual dash.trying to remove the piece in blue.

post photo
DrGnRiCe94   +1y
You might not like this, But you gotta pull the hole dash! there are screws behind it that hold the top of the dash and that "blue piece" together!
jrock74   +1y
DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thought i could get around doin that.
Accord2 Show   +1y
If you go to this is there parts catalog. It shows where everything is on a Honda. If you locate where the dash is it will show where all the bolts and screws are located, to take it out. Sorry I was confused what you were talking about, but now I understand.