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Mini Truckin General \  louver question

louver question

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 9
following 8
CFL99SDIME   +1y
how much would it cost to get 4 rows of louvers on an s10 hood?i really have no idea about the cost of what goes into doing one but ive seen a few other kinds of trucks with them and i think they would look sick on my truckany imput would be appreciated
Dragthatchit   +1y
most people usually charge somewhere around a buck or two per louver; plus cost of stripping the hood and removing the braces to get room for the press to do its magic
Layedoutcourier   +1y
I dont know about where you live but here theres only a couple people that can do them and I think they charge like $10s a louver.
Dragthatchit   +1y
thats what im sayin, the shit aint cheap!!!! But they do look cool when done right and tastefully.
grim   +1y
If this helps I do hoods that style for around $300. Maybe that'll give you a ball park on what to look for man. Good luck on your search, but make sure you see some they've done, you don't want someone with badly designed dies denting up your hood around the louvers. Also be careful to see how they fix their understructures when their done. And lastly not all louvers look the same, so eyeball the shape and make sure you like the craftsman's style. Me I like rounder louvers, they don't dent as easily if some wild off course basketball bounces off of your hood at a park - hail etc. Also I like that look better than flat square looking cuts.
post photo
CFL99SDIME   +1y
thanks for the input
framedranger   +1y
I cant do hoods but I can do anything that is flat (3" louvers)price depends on how many louvers
unusualfabrication   +1y
If you were in my neck of the woods I could hook you up. I have a friend with a louver press and several sizes of dies. Good luck!
framedranger   +1y
If anybody else needs louvers I can do this.Again I can only make louvers on sheet stock or something flat.I made a tailgate for a ratrod with a 160 louvers for a $120 just to give you idea on a price.I have a srippit ST 1212 cnc turret punch press at work that I can do this on
standardbyker88   +1y
just for gits and shiggles, has anybody louvered a louver? like a big one with little ones on it?
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