Frame Dragger
My motivation is fact that my truck as broke a couple times and i want to get it fixed right so i can run it hard and not have it break. Im not a serious builder or anything like that, but i would really like to be. I really wan to learn how to do everything that is involved in a build up. I have a problem with relying on other people, and with the truck breaking so much, that is good motivation for me to learn how to do it myself. I too get fired up when i watch vids, or see new pics of rides that have been updated. I also love the progession of this hobby, innovation never stops and even if it cools off, people alway know how to change it up a little and get it goin again. One of this things that gets me goin the most is the comments you get on the street, like in parking lots when you slam it down around a crowd of people who dont know what the hell is goin on, i love that.