ok here it gose....im painting my car light blue . on the roof i want to lay flames in a thick bass boat style . but only the flames. how would you guys go about doing this...an has any one tryed the ice flake..is it any easyer to lay...
well the heavy flake im wanting ive seen sprayed in clear and a lot of coats were used...an i didnt really want to spray the entier roof ...wet sand it for 3 days then mask the flames and spray the negative space..but i gess i might have to...
What your describing sounds a like a pain in the a$$. If you use the flake in your clear base you can mask off your roof to spray the flames. Then after you spray your flames unmask and clear the whole panel. Way easier!
id tape out the flames first. then lay em out out. then tape over them. then lay your color on the rest of the truck that way in the end all the layers of paint are level and itll take u less time trying to sand it smooth so u dont have what looks like a big sticker just cleared over. then clear it all together. thats my opinion.
spray your car the color you are using...lay out your flames...spray your flake in a clear basecoat...then clear it..with that heavy of flake..your going to need a good amount of clear over it because the flake will poke thru it...
id tape out the flames first. then lay em out out. then tape over them. then lay your color on the rest of the truck that way in the end all the layers of paint are level and itll take u less time trying to sand it smooth so u dont have what looks like a big sticker just cleared over. then clear it all together. thats my opinion.