Photoshopjunkie is where i used tutorials from way back in the day!
Just like HC said nothing is better than just trying new things and perfecting the areas where you need work!
tutorials are definatly a good way to get started though!
Originally posted by TrucksHC
Edited: 3/20/2007 2:26:59 PM by TrucksHC
Originally posted by LE Shaven
yea go here....
that should be enuff... and if you want a Rendering Tutorial then go here lol j/k really though there really isnt any tuts on renderings just basic PS tools and tricks.actually...there a lot of 'tuning' tutorials out there. chk these out...there's more but this what i started on.
these will get you started...eventually you'll start figuring out different techniques on your own. just get familiar with the tools. the most important thing to remember is not to limit yourself because you dont know how to do something in the program. learn it. do it. perfect it.