Originally posted by RedNinety5
Well, i'm running 3" cylinders in the front of my Camaro, which weighs more than the front of that truck. I need 200 psi to get my cylinders all the way up. And not trying to be rude, just stating the facts...James...My cylinders are very "controllable" And I will just let ya know that my car rides better than my mom's 2002 Cadillac. I am also not running accumulators. So, in conclusion...a lot of the myths and thoughts about cylinders are not always true.
I would say, run 200 psi, and then try to lift it. It should work. Most cylinders take at least 175 to move, and 200 to get all the way up. And don't ride with them all the way up or you will get the "bottoming out" noise most people complain about with cylinders. If you got anymore questions or run into any problems and need a fast answer, feel free to PM me.
Hey thanks alot man, that helps me out tons. If i have any more questions i will let you know. Thanks again