Ive used both Easystreet strut bags and Cylinders on my customers cars and I would never use a cylinder again. The ride is soooo much better with the struts and with the big rims that my customers put on the struts tuck more than enough. Like someone said earlier, the cylinders ride good on flat road at one specific height. Here in NY the road are never flat, not even on the highway so cylinders are going to bang at any height and both on compressio and rebound. One more thing, the easystreets are adjustable shocks, with cylinders you dont even run shocks. Accumulators are a poor substitute. All an accumulator is, is a small air reserve. You can use a 1 gallon tank. Aim sells their accumulators with a rubber membrane or something that allows you to use 1 tank for 2 cylinders. Im sure it makes some sort of difference. Good luck.