The actual raw fuel comes from the same pipelines- I saw this on Modern Marvels on TLC or Discovery (addicting!).
The tankers pump fuel into one end of the pipeline, and their trucks are allowed to pull the same amount out of the other end, but it's not necessarily the same company's product they're pulling out!
However, each company has their own additives that they put in after the fact- Techron, etc., that makes it "their" blend.
So in most ways all gas is the same, but there are a few differences- probably not enough to make a .20 difference, though!
As for running high-test in your stock Triton, there's no point unless you have a problem with detonation using 87 octane. If you're not experiencing a loss of performance (the ECU pulling timing to reduce knock) with lower grade gas, then there's no benefit to paying for 89 or 91.
Hope that helps!
-Phil at FBI