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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  fuel pump question

fuel pump question

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
views 109
replies 3
following 4
LowOrange88   +1y
So I drive my '01 GMC Sierra 5.3 all day today, and had no troubles. I get in this evening to go to a friends house, and it starts up, stumbles, and stalls. Then it doesnt start again. I gave it a shot of Ether and it ran for about 2 seconds. I then inspected the fuel filter and it looks as if it could be changed. NOW here is the funny thing. I tapped on the bottom of the Gas tank with a tapping utensile, and it fired right up and ran no problem.(I didnt try to drive it though). Now I have noticed this past week while at idle the truck had a bit of a vibration which I could feel it in the engine idle almost like a small skip or missfire. Then today it did this. Question I have, is does it sound like my fuel pump is ready to take a shit, and if so, will changing the fuel filter help the strain for a few more days or so? Right now I am way out of town, and I dont have my warranty papers, as I bought it used.

DizzyDong   +1y
this happened to me a while back. i also changed the fuel filter but that wasn't the problem. here's how you check to see if you need a new fuel pump:

turn your ignition on but don't start the engine. if you hear a hissing noise from your gas tank it's not the pump. if you don't hear a hiss then it is most likely the pump. a new pump from the dealer will run about $400 and the labor is a few hundred more. go on ebay and buy an AC Delco fuel pump. you should be able to get one around $200. you could replace it yourself if you have a Haines Repair Manual.

yup, that's all. a mechanic told me you should fill up your tank when it reaches 1/4. don't let it go till empty. and you should change your fuel filter every 30K miles. it costs about $10 at your local auto parts store and takes less than 10 minutes to change out.

good luck.
SiLveRProJecT   +1y
even if you do hear your pump running, it doesnt always mean your pump is good...i had that prob...turn but no fire, gave it some starter fuild and wah lah. i just wasnt getting enough pressure to start and stay running...

ANd yah, like Alex said, try not to run down your fuel pass a quarter tank if possible, especially during the summer. The fuel is what helps keep your pump cool..

you could also try some type of fuel cleaner to see if it helps...i know that Seafoam works like a dream on fuel systems...(at least for my vehicles..)
nvrsatisfied   +1y
Man i have an 03 single cab chevy and I just had to drop $700 with parts and labor to drop the fuel cell and replace the pump. Mine would start up for a second or two but would only reach 400 rpm or so. After about two seconds it would kinda choke itself out and die but it was able to restart but would just die agaain. It was a real pain bc I had to have it towed to a couple of places because the chevy dealership said my truck was too highly modified and they wouldnt take on the liability(weak)....
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