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Isuzu \  Front end conversion

Front end conversion

Isuzu Make Specific
views 455
replies 8
following 4
19BaggedMitsu92   +1y
i was thinkin bout doin a front end conversion on my 88 pup. i wanted to use a rodeo front end. does anybody know if this will work or what i would have to do to make it work? im using the rodeo headlights also. another thing, does anybody know what year rodeo will work best?
jetts   +1y
the same years rodeo frontend, is a pretty direct swap, just make sure u get the grill that matches your bumper... like if u have the flat bumper get the flat rodeo grill.

mmrcustoms   +1y
i have the hole conv. the diped bumper the diped grill and rodeo head lights it looks bad ass, well i think so
19BaggedMitsu92   +1y
hey rob, thats the same conversion i wanted to use, headlights and everyting. that should bolt up fine on a 88 pup right?
jetts   +1y
i did the swap on my 94 just bought the headlights and grill, used the stock bumper... couple mounting brackets dont line up but some easy engineering can take care of that
mmrcustoms   +1y
certifit i got my head lights from them the bumper was all ready like that and th egrill i just cut out it looks good in pics but up close u see where i fucked up i bought a rodeo grill from certifit but i have not put it on i put the headlights and cornor lights together and marked my holes (some trucks allready have them so i am told) and used washers to get them lever and square it was a 3 on a scale of 10 not to bad u will love the way it looks it will set ur truck off for other isuzus
19BaggedMitsu92   +1y
i just need to know what year rodeo front end will work on a 88 pup. i want bumper, grill, headlights, corner lights
mmrcustoms   +1y
DontWatchMeWatchTV   +1y
I have a 93 converted to a 95 rodeo front end with bumper, headlights, and dipped grill with the amigo 4x4 fenders. I hate the fenders but I needed them to run 20's. I'm trying to get the stocks back on there but you don't have to change the stock fenders out for the rodeo front end.
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