none do bro. but its pretty simple.
1) set your pinion angle at ride height. it is equal and opposite to your tranny angle. ie if your tranny pionts down 3 deg, your pinion angle should be up 3 deg.
2) have the bars triagulate at around a 30-40 degree angle. either away or toward each other is fine
3) have lower bars level to the ground at ride height (or half trvel if you get like 10+ inches of lift)
4) set instant center to be around your grille. basically have your upper bars angled down about 2-3 degrees when your lower bars are level.
thats about it. make sure your rear end is centered and your wheel base is set correcdtly. dont want it cocked to the side or too far forward or aft!
4 links can be itimidating! but after you get the basics down, they arent that big a deal at all.
for more pointers look at bio max's 4 link article thats a sticky in the suspension forum.
good luck bro!