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Wheel Questions \  Re-Using Wheel Studs

Re-Using Wheel Studs

Wheel Questions Q & A
views 159
replies 2
following 3
mindlissmetalfab   +1y
I just got a new set of shortened axles from Moser and they put the studs on the wrong bolt pattern. (2 patterns on the flange).I ordered them from a local shop, so I told them about it and they said they would press em out and reinstall them for me. Is it OK to reuse studs? i thought maybe the splines would be shot after they are pressed in once.
bdroppeddak   +1y
go for it!!
Idragit   +1y
I've never had a problem reusing wheel studs..I've changed axles before and reused the studs whithout any problems..worst that could happen is the studs spin when tightening the lugs and you have to replace them..
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