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Interior \  laying carpet

laying carpet

Interior Q & A
views 497
replies 5
following 6
dkadventures   +1y
i was just wondering what the process was for laying down carpet. my vehicle is body dropped so i cant just use the pre cut and molded carpets, so do i just get the material and try and stretch? pretty much what i need to know is what material to use and then also a step by step on how to install (so pretty much i need to know everythiing.thanks
Wakeboard03S10   +1y
Edited: 8/15/2007 12:05:31 PM by Wakeboard03S10

the way I did my s-10 was measure out the length and the width of the carpet in the cab to get a rough amount of carpet cut. then i put 3M adheasive on the bottom and let tack for a few mins and then reapplyed adheadisve and let tack again make sure the floor of the truck is real clean so it makes a good contact. then started puting it in the truck and pressed real hard from one end to the other, over the bumps and humps. then put weight on the big areas. after a hour just to make sure everything was good i trimmed the excess off and put the pannles and trim back on and was done..but my truck wasnt body droped it was just a normal extended cab s10.
LowOrange88   +1y
You could keep the molded kit and get some replacement carpet roll, then sew on what you need to extend it where it needs to be. Sew the inside so that you dont see any stitches. intsall it by either using glue or if you have enough left on the door sill, use the stock strip to hold the carpet down.
cuzican   +1y
I have a friend that asked when he ordered his kit for his nissan, I dont know what company it was, think it was ACC, and they told him that they would leave the excess on instead of triming it to fit. Then after it is installed he could just cut off the excess he didn't need.
maz2low   +1y
ACC mats will sell you an untrimmed carpet which usually has 4 inches extra on each side . I would recommend that you ask them to not glue the Floor padding on the bottom just place it in box . The molded carpet should fit almost all of the floors contour except around the door which you now have access to make fit
LaidNeon   +1y
would ACC make custom orderes?? What im trying to ask is my carpet is sectioned in the middle for my center console, so if i asked, would they not section it??

Also does anyone have any contact info for them??
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