It's a long story...
I ordered a set of 2 wheels from them. They said they could have them made in a custom offset, and shipped in 2 weeks if i paid for Air Shipping and all that shit.
They have some FUCKED UP practices about ordering stuff via credit card. They require a copy of your ID, and signed forms and some other weird stuff...
So. They said I had to have the order placed by friday in order to get the rims in 2 weeks. Which was my deadline to get them the day before Indy Truck bash '05.
Monday, i get to work and there's an email waiting for me (even though they had my phone number?) saying they forgot to get some more paper work signed off on. This would imply, buy their reasoning that I wouldn't be getting my wheels on time because of THEIR delay?
So, i inquired about it. And the lady ended up hanging up on me.
I wait, and the wheels never show up, but my credit card was charged.
I call, she said they canceled my order because I was rude.
I called the wheel manufacturer directly, and he said there's no way in HELL he would have even made the custom offset to begin with, as it was impossible. let alone in 2 weeks.
So, i FINALLY got the $ back after a month and a half. and I was out a set of wheels they promised me. And, i already had the other 2 wheels which weren't custom offsets.
She said she canceled my order because I was "a dick". But, they were canceled because they couldn't even provide the product.
Just watch your ass with them. I'm sure they actually sell wheels, but i think they're out to fuck people.
I got screwed for the show, and it pissed me off.