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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  fuel cell questions

fuel cell questions

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
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90DIME   +1y
my buddy has a 96 noma that he wants to put a fuel cell on and hes wondering if he removes the fuel vapor box or whatever that little box is will it still run right emssions is not an issue either and also what exactly do we need to do to hook up the fuel cell thanks in advance guys
prorida   +1y
WHAT TYPE OF FUEL CELL IS IT? If it's aluminum, im haveing a problem too. on hot days my rollover vent will spuue gas out, and the only thing we have come up with is to use a charcol canister.

Someone will correct me if im wrong, but your truck should run fine without the fuel vapor box, But you could run a line off your rollover vent to you vapor box. im sure it would work fine also.
creative concepts   +1y
the rollover wouldnt be spewing gas.. there is a check valve in it.. that doesnt let gas run out.. there is a VENT on your cell too.. that should either get a filter so it can breath.. or ran to the charcol canister.. but you can pull that if you want and trash it.. it will just turn your CEL on.

you might of gotten your cell ports mixed up, thinking the vent is the roll over and not the vent.
90DIME   +1y
alright thanks guys i think we got it now but i have another question way off topic same truck it was a four banger so we did a 4.3 swap from the same yr but from a blazer i think it was a 4x4 balzer because the oil pan hits first i checked around and 4x4 and 2wd oil pans look a little differnt can anbody tell me for sure if they are different so we might be able to change it and lay out thanks again
creative concepts   +1y
yes they are different.. you need a new pan and pickup tube.. maybe even pump. not 100% on the last.. you can get the 4.3 in with a 4x4 pan, but watch it, it hangs even with the engine crossmember and will get drug through in a hurry. (try 1 drag.. it hits the same time the engine crossmember does)
90DIME   +1y
you guys dont know how much you just helped us out thanks alot we are just gonna get a 2wd oil pan and change it thanks again
prorida   +1y
Originally posted by potter

the rollover wouldnt be spewing gas.. there is a check valve in it.. that doesnt let gas run out.. there is a VENT on your cell too..

weird how i lit my truck on fire then potter, dont know about you but my 15 gal aluminum cell has a rollover vent on left side and fuel return line on the right side. vapors vent through the rollver, and the petcock can stick, so when the weather heats up and fuel expands, it was escapeing out my rollover vent on to my rollpan, since i'm only a 1/4" off the ground when i drive one little scrape, and i got black smoke bellowing behind me in the rearveiw.

thats my experience, what are you doin with your fuel cell?

creative concepts   +1y
Originally posted by prorida

Originally posted by potter

the rollover wouldnt be spewing gas.. there is a check valve in it.. that doesnt let gas run out.. there is a VENT on your cell too..

weird how i lit my truck on fire then potter, dont know about you but my 15 gal aluminum cell has a rollover vent on left side and fuel return line on the right side. vapors vent through the rollver, and the petcock can stick, so when the weather heats up and fuel expands, it was escapeing out my rollover vent on to my rollpan, since i'm only a 1/4" off the ground when i drive one little scrape, and i got black smoke bellowing behind me in the rearveiw.

thats my experience, what are you doin with your fuel cell?

since the check valve only allows stuff IN, but not out, that is why i said i couldnt see it.. even sticking it should stick close.. unless you've had stuff go in.. who knows.. the cells i've installed i use the same cell.. jegs brand.. vent on 1 side of the top, rollover on the other, feed adn return on the bottom sump.

never seen a vent/rollover setup in 1.. that is why i was saying it couldnt of been.
bdroppeddak   +1y
the cell i have is from RCI, it has a send, return, and vent ports.... the vent port has a check thingy in it.....
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