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Wheel Questions \  wheel locks

wheel locks

Wheel Questions Q & A
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draggin87yota   +1y
ok so sumone stole my tool box with my wheel lock in it and now i cant take off my wheel.anyone kno of the best way to take them off?i heard of a couple ways but i also heard of people breakin shit while doin it.
big rick   +1y
Go to the nearest custom wheel shop or tire store. They have a special tool for stripped lugs that takes them right off. This happened to me before and they might laugh at you, but they should be able to get them off without damaging your rims.
slammedcavvy   +1y
i usually use a old slip socket and hammer it on the lugnut u loose a slipsocket but its usually cheaper than buying the tool
sittinonbagz   +1y
Edited: 10/11/2007 2:09:16 AM by chevylayn22s

just take it to a rim shop see what size of socket fits it same problem happend to me and thats what i did
draggindakota   +1y
If I can find the pics of when I took mine off I'll post em up. We welded a wrench to one and a socket to another...Ghetto!
sittinonbagz   +1y
draggindakota thats a good idea of gettin them off might be ghetto but works
draggin87yota   +1y
shit if i cud take it to a rim shop i wud but its in a tear down process and i cant drive it lol.might have to rig sumthin up lol
bodydropped   +1y
get a socket beat on that lug and bam comes off we did it to a guy passing thru he had 2 on one wheel and we used one socket
powang   +1y
I worked at a huge tire dealer a few years ago, and we never had any special tool to get lugs off, so i wouldn't count on most shops to have anything. (granted we did have the "locks" we sold but its a slim chance that one of those would match what you had.)

Take a socket that is barley to small to fit the lug and hammer it on and then it should come off. If that doesnt work, take a socket that is about the same size as the design of the "lock" heat it up with a torch and then hammer it into the lock. Last, weld a wrench or socket to the lug.
cerealkiller   +1y
Your local tool guy should have a special tool for removing lug nuts even if it is a lock. What it is is a tapered socket with grippng swirl pattern on the inside. Almost like an easy out but inside out.