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Ford Trucks \  who here has a late 60's f100?

who here has a late 60's f100?

Ford Trucks Make Specific
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replies 9
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maztang (ryan)   +1y
i am about to get a 68 ford stepside f100 with a straight 6 for 500 bucks. he said it was running when he parked it and he started pulling it apart to restore it. so the doors are off and the bed is off. i want to bag and bodydrop it but i am thinking about getting the styleside bed for it. anyways, i was just wondering who might have one that can give me some pointers and what to look out for.

MagicMikey   +1y
the cab floor at ur feet rust out and so do the cab mounts, the point to be made here is the floor pans from jc whitney are good but the cab mounts for the frt of the cab suck. also the back corners of the cab, and the corners of the door also seem to rust out. as far as the body drop, the body will just about lay with a new frt suspention, i been thinkin about doin my old truck but havent yet cause i dont think that the mustang 2 frt will lift good. i think some other type would work beter. i am not sure what all to say but those are my first thouughts.
granth   +1y and dennis carpenter are your best bet for parts. Also, NPD has parts. Year One doesn't....yet. We keep hoping! haha.

Typical rust is lower doors, cab mounts, cab corners, and bed. Floor is a giving. Also, inner fender battery tray. Those rust reguardless of where the truck is it seems.

Bagging is going to call for MII, chevy clip, or full frame. Not the cheapest truck to bag. The frame doesn't hang down much at all though, so a body drop isn't much more than boxing the frame, hacking off the bit hanging down past the rocker and boxing it back. Would put it all on stands fro that though, don't put stress on the frame and all, ya know?

I plan on a Chevy clip and that way of laying rocker. Rockers are super small as well, pretty much doors the truck. Like a 1/2 inch away.

I have a 72 btw. Rewiring now, firing for the first time hopefully next weekend, and then working on the chevy clip after christmas.
mikeholst78   +1y
I have a 64 f100 that we are building a diffrent frame for. I have a 70's ranchero frontend same width and coil spring front end and a streering box on the rear like your truck.
granth   +1y
Also, make sure the cab or frame or anything for that matter isn't a 67. Theres a curse on '67 parts . Seems like on the site listed belwo (for these year trucks btw) every time someone buys 67 parts or trucks they end up having a kid in the following months. Not sure if you need a boost or a warning there! lol
MagicMikey   +1y
Edited: 10/5/2007 7:33:16 PM by MagicMikey

Edited: 10/5/2007 7:32:39 PM by MagicMikey

Originally posted by 72bumpside

Also, make sure the cab or frame or anything for that matter isn't a 67. Theres a curse on '67 parts . Seems like on the site listed belwo (for these year trucks btw) every time someone buys 67 parts or trucks they end up having a kid in the following months. Not sure if you need a boost or a warning there! lol

i guess i beter not work on mine then, my truck is a 67 lol, no kids so far!!!!!!!!!!

there are alot of cross year parts for them like if you dont body drop and keep ibeams, even though the body is different the 65- 79 i beams are the same, 67's have different door on them, out side is the same but the inside is alot different, the leaves on the 70ish trucks of that year have larger leaves and breaks than the 67, the 73-79 disk breaks will fit on the 65-72 ibeams, the 67s fleet side bed dont have side marker reflectors, and even if you shave the markers off the tip will still look different. i also used a scrap bed to make the roll pan on the back of mine, i had to make 1 bend for it to look good. well i think of more i will share.
granth   +1y
67's brake systems are different. longer push rod i believe. pretty much, if you don't have a 67, dont use parts off the inside, or brake system.

73-79 disc brakes work, but I recommend just getting the whole front suspension from a 73-79 instead of working on the 67-72. I want to say the kingpins are a little bigger or smaller on the 67-72 setup.

Like I said, has just about anything you could possibly want to know about these trucks.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
sweet, thanks for all the help guys. as far as the kids goes, i already have 3 and have taken care of the issue, hahaha. no more kids for this guy, ever again. but, thanks again for all the information. i will check out those sights and take some pics when i get the truck. it may be a month or 2 but i work with the guy that owns it and he will hold it for me. but of course i haven't even looked at it yet, so i don't even know what kind of shape it is even in.
MagicMikey   +1y
due to a wreck in high school,my truck is a 67 with the 72 frame and with the 73-79 lowered i beams and disc breaks, so i got the best of the factory breaks. these trucks are hard to find parts for cause they are not that many done. most of the ones done i have seen are all custom made fit parts. but now there are parts being made , i useualy find them after i make something similar.
granth   +1y
Grant Kustom makes a full skin and roll pan for the back. the bedsides can make the front bumper valance deal into a smoothie "bumper". Body parts are around, just have to be willing to spend the cash. Junkyards have these trucks it seems, as noone is big on them yet compared to Chevy trucks.Good luck on your build, I hope to get started on mine a bit more after Christmas.
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