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Mini Truckin General \  Your ride in the eyes of society

Your ride in the eyes of society

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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slammedtoys   +1y
Let me ask you mini truckers a quick question. Is your ride accepted in your city? What i mean by that is do you live in a town that minis are looked down upon? Do you work at a place where your car is the only custom one there? I live in nashville and it seems like i got sooooo much more love for my mini when i lived in W Des Moines IA. I work at a place that my truck is the only one of its kind and i cant walk into my office on any given day with out hearing someone say "hey did a 2 yr old mount your license plate, its all crooked or do your knuckles drag on the ground when you drive that thing?" If you work in this kind of enviorment how do your react or responed? I mean its brutal dealing with the same shit everyday. But ill never give up my mini.
fatboysS1O   +1y
your response should be "your just mad at the world cuz you have a little dick!" piss on them, let them say what they want. i bet they have a hobby thay you think is gay/stupid/pointless, just make fun of their hobby!
jmn444   +1y
my boss gets a kick out of my truck, likes to see it bounce up and down and all that jazz... no other "car guys" work here though... but i don't really expect many CPA's to be into it either...
simple-pleasurez   +1y
i drive into work. parking lot full. approx 200 cars. about semi decent imports. NOOOO minis customized. i bring my minitruckin in and people read them and understand my obsession but dont want one themself.
slammedtoys   +1y
See everyone calls my mini the "mexican ride" I work in a building full of medical offices expect for mine which is a mortgage office. My parking lot is full of MB and BMWs so you can imagine what kind of pricks i work with.
Chevyguy   +1y
Edited: 10/15/2007 10:11:38 AM by Chevyguy

I don't have it too bad. The guys I work with all have 4WD so they give me a little lip but I give it right back. The town where I alive doesn't look down on customized trucks cause there are a ton of older vehicles in town and they see we are into trucks just like tey are. My truck actually got me the job i have now because my boss saw I have intresst in trucks and that is what he was looking for. In 03 I go aninterview because of it and the first thing he said was he wanted to go out and take a look at my truck. Now, after 4 years I am the Operations Manager. But then I do work at a diesel performance shop, where we race diesels, and most of the shop trucks have custom paint too.
l0wyota   +1y
im in the motor city, so if u drive anything but the big 3 your looked down upon. when i usta roll in a chevy i got lots of love, but people can be asshole around here for drivin a toyota.
2LOW4U   +1y
Come to Houston... we have a shitload of minis and custom rides.
oneup   +1y
There are very few minis where i'm at and it cracks me up because you drive through town and everyone stares especially when the wifes driving but as for the comments I tell hey my truck goes down more than your girlfriend so who jealous? Or the most common one how do you drive that things and I tell them well first I get in it and then i put it in gear and slowly press the accelerator usually the smart ass remarks work quite well.
kaoss   +1y
Girl says to me in front of her B/F:"I heard lowriders are for guys that can't get it up."

I said:" First of all, it's a minitruck, not a lowrider, second of all, I drive a small truck to make up for my enormous dick, it's called reverse compensation."

Look on her b/f's face was priceless.

One time this homeless guy called it a lowrider, i corrected him, and he said, "well it ain't no high-rider now is it?" I had nothing to say back.

We get the occasional "do you know what color your skin is?" here in our town. But people are ignorant, what can you do?