Okay, up until today my truck has gotten awesome mileage. 25-27 on average, with mostly town driving. However, today I used a 1/4 tank in about 40 miles (11 gallon tank). Now, I have had a light exhaust leak for about a week. As of this morning, its a big exhaust leak. Its right at the head. One of the studs stripped out, and it blew the gasket apart today. I got some new helicoils to fix that one, and all new studs. As well as ordering a stamped style gasket, versus the Thorley gasket, which I have heard suck anyways. So I will probably be able to fix that this week.
But I'm wondering if a bad exhaust leak can cause shitty mileage? I'm fixing it regardless, because its annoying as shit, but curious if it could affect the way the motor runs? My truck also feels like it has a little less power at low RPMs, and smells like raw gas when I take off from a stop. It also was gutless this morning on cold start.
Someone suggested I may have picked up a fuel leak somewhere since it so abruptly got shitty mileage. I looked over every line, and everything is dry. Only other thing I can think is its running to rich now, but why would it change overnight? And Toyota carbs aren't widely adjustable. Theres a fast idle screw, and an air screw, thats it. I haven't had much time to mess with it really, so I will look closer tomorrow. But what I've gathered so far makes me wonder.. Any help, appreciated.