i can get my hands on a 1989 toyota swb p/! i am thinking very seriously of building an exact replica of the ballistic toyota.... remember that truck. it had a big impact on me as a minitrucker. as a matter of fact that mag came out a few months before my son was born. he is now 13! my sons name is logan (LO-gan, get it? pathetic huh?) his middle name is patrick. his mom and i were arguing about what his middle name should be... a copy of that minitruck mag that had ballistic on the cover was somewhere within my sight in the room. i remember the guys name was pat nichols that owned it. i looked at his mom and said, how bout patrick? so i guess you could say my son has a full blown minitruckin name! anyway, im thinking of rebuilding this truck exactly like that old ballistic mini (since i hear the original went into a dumpster!). think MT would be interested in doing a build-up article of it? if so, would anyonw in the mid south be intersted in doing some work on it if i can convince them of doing a build story? just a thought at this point,,,, but isnt that how these things get started? please post pics of the ballistic mini if you have any! all iahave are the mag shots of the truck.... im sure you guys out there have some!