there needs to be a public service announcement regarding dropping off what amounts to one of the biggest investments you will make, besides your home of course, to someone you dont know or didnt at least research before hand. there are so many of these threads popping up lately and i dont understand the lack of commonsense in these transactions. please do not take this as a personal insult as i dont know any of you personally. just seems that if you were looking for a baby-sitter, i dont believe you would pick someone through a friend who lives out of state and then not meet them before handing your child over. i know a truck isnt a child but the point is the same. i think maybe people get blinded by the excitement of getting there truck done cheap and quick. i'll quote comedian kat williams(?) loosely " if your in a bar and about to leave with some ho, before you leave go in the bathroom and jack-off, then take a second look and decide if you want to still beat it up." point is when your ready to make a decision think about it for a week then decide. i am completely surprised that someone with the contacts that john has would even take his truck to a no-name joe-blow fabricator. cheap seems appealing but would you get a discount priced vasectomy? sorry that you guys have to go through all that crap but just use your situation to educate others who are going to be looking for work to be done. good luck!