I have a 1g alt, stock ignition switch has a wire running from it, to a splice into a wire that runs from the instrument panel to the I post on the voltage regulator.
Was told to hook up the exciter wire in the kit I have, in place of this. The truck cranks, but does NOT charge. I think this wire originally was a resistive wire, but i'm not exactly sure. All the diagrams show a "dummy light" in line with this wire, but I don't have one anymore, and don't believe I did in the beginning as I have full gauges, not just lights.
Is it safe to run without a light, and just run a wire straight from the switch to the regulator?
**edit**Okay, I wired that wire up directly from the switch to the regulator and still didnt see 13.5...I had the alt tested, battery tested, and all cables are new grounding and power wise, as is the wiring harnes