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Body work and Paint \  What's goin' down in your shop?

What's goin' down in your shop?

Body work and Paint Q & A
views 1195
replies 55
following 40
lost cause   +1y
What's everyone working on this time of year?

How's busines during the holliday season?

Let's see some pics of what's goin' down on your side of town....lOL

I'm working on a 00' extreme & a Harley Davidson right now, both want bitch'n paint jobs and i'm about 1/2 way through with both of em'.....I'll post up pics real soon..... Thanks, "Lost Cause"
mr donut   +1y
i got stuck working on a lift kit for a toyota t-100. doing it for a friend. what a pain in the ass. 4hrs on 4 bolts on the front end. air hammer finally got them fun fun. yeah right
lost cause   +1y
^^^^Sounds like how much of a lift? "Lost Cause"
TwistedMinis   +1y
Winter seems to be the busy time, especially December.

I'm in the middle of stock flooring a 720 for Reso... I'm stressed, and still doing school full time.
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BggdNBdyDrppdJunk   +1y
seth, did i ever tell you that i hate you for bein the shit?
lost cause   +1y
here are some progress pics of the 00' Extreme,'s going to be black w/ silver tribal flames soon to be full of skull, and back bones (spines & ribs) all going to be pinstriped idiglo blue with old sckool striping on the hood and tailgate.....

I know the blue fine line tape looks huge in the pics but it's only 1/8 inchMore pics to come soon! "Lost Cause"
lost cause   +1y
NO shit seth, I hate you for your skills!,....I love the star gussets! did you make them? "Lost Cause"
mr donut   +1y
dose anyone else smell that? it must be seth cuz he is the shit. ha ha ha. no B/S that frame is sweet. keep up the good work. oh yeah the t-100 is getting 6 in the front and 7 in the rear.
Uncle Fester   +1y
What going down? Not a shop but in my garage I hope to be taking the Ranger off the stands soon

lost cause   +1y
Hell yeah uncle fester! Garage, shop,same, any pics? we'd love to see em'....... "Lost Cause"