o.k. this is far from the best way to start painting if you want to be a pro some day.. so i might catch a bunch of crap for it but here goes..
buy an air brush.. i have never used a cheapy from harbor freight, so i dont know it that would work or not, buy my iwata opens up 'enuf to spray down a healthy coat of paint or clear.. keeping a wet edge, even on a big area is not too tuff, esp if you use the right reducer..
your talking $100 for an airbrush you can use for this, then dial it down to play with "regular" airbrush projects, shading, graphics so on...
2) a guy can get away with a $30 can of reg primer (reduce with thinner=Cheap) for basicly any thing,, think you need high fill??? put on a few more layers! just follow the time stacking rule.. 1 coat 10 min, 2 coats wait 20 3 coats wait 40...
3) material wise pic a system and stick with it. there are too many different mixes to list them all, they are all different (yea i know some are the same, but just pick ONE) materials dont have to cost that much... most paint supply stores have "oops" cans too. a color may not match a customer's panel but for custom stuff who cares.
again-- maby not the best, and most painters are kinda detailed guys who would shoot me for following "the book" but you can have a lot of fun with it all if you just use common sence, go ahead and test your limits, and the limits of the supplies(depending on what your painting on!) but yea mostly just jump in!