Edited: 12/3/2007 11:18:14 PM by relaxedmitch
It depends on the style of work your asking the artist to do. If you want trim and street rod styled stuff, there is NO ONE better than Rodney Hutcherson, or Alton Galespie, but goodluck getting either of them to do anything for you, you really need to know the guys to get them to work for you. Bishop is a another great artist/painter, he did wicked wagons woody graphics, and then you have Pat Maxwell, who is badass at everything he does, Max Maxwell, he's bad ass too, then you got Pat Reid, he's doing great work,John Stromberg is a bad muthafucka, Joe Martin is good, but he isn't really into doing many cars, mostly for his friends if he does them. I'm sure there are others out there, but these are guys that i know personally that are really good. Goodluck, lots of good artist's out there.