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Mini Truckin General \  kEEP RESO GOING???


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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Rusty Shackleford   +1y
Just thought I post this on SSM since I already posted it on many of you already know Reso was started 32 years ago by a bunch of hardcore minitruckers. The show keept going on year after year and (correct me if I'm wrong) SUNSET( godbless) tookover @6-7 years. 25 years later RESO 32 is said to be the last. My question is, with the permission of the whole SUNSET crew and especially Bob Hase, is there anyway another club can carry on the torch and make RESO 33 possible? Just curious if anyone feels the same way.

Edited: 12/31/2007 1:57:49 AM by DRAGTHIS

bump dont wana have to live with the fact I missed the last reso! shoulda just quit my job and went.. who needs money
marcus760   +1y
i agree....i missed it to....we could all just show up and camp next year??
drtbiker182   +1y
truckwillscrape   +1y
I'm mad i didn't get to make it to a reso at all or showfest before the quit putting on the show i hope some club will step up and take the torch for another reso i would like to make it out to cali for one
Slappy Mc Nasty   +1y
i dont wanna be a bastard or anything but i honestly think it should be left as SUNSET left it. it would be a travesty to have a club (or even 2 clubs) try and keep it going just to have it go down in flames. dont get me wrong, i had the time of my life but i would die if it was turned into a shitfest in all the wrong ways....
again, im sorry to disagree here
inomrthenudo   +1y
I think it should leave as a legend, like a rockstar who died young, versus him fading away and being forgotten. I do believe Reso should ride off in the sunset. pun intended.
aon-teach   +1y
Agreed- R.I.P. Reso, it went out in a spectacular fashion. Maybe start a new tradition somewhere else, but Reso in my eyes has gone to vehicular heaven.
2lowtoy   +1y
After talking to Bob I would never want to see this show run by or put on by anyone else. But I do hope to see Mini Invasion in Roswell NM happen. Come on Bob Roswell has to be the home of the next show.
kaoss   +1y
A show in Roswell NM would be awesome!!! thats only a four hour drive from here.