jeebus @ mmw
Edited: 1/5/2008 12:59:46 PM by Chopped Mazda
Edited: 1/5/2008 12:57:29 PM by Chopped Mazda
Edited: 1/5/2008 12:56:18 PM by Chopped Mazda
there both the same person.
i think the sex change has finally gotten to his head, he just cant figure out who he is anymore.
what a fucking idiot
The funny thing is, "Yuppie" keeps PMing me and telling me that hes such a bad ass, and how hes going to kick my ass, and talking shit about every other aspect of my life......, and at the same time "Dillard" pms me telling me hes not doing it, and he would never talk shit, and that hes a person with a job and wouldnt do that.
you must really be fuckd in th head man, seriously. For real, jeffy, dillard, yuppie....your bitch side is really showing with this. I pmd you my number for to you to talk shit in person, and nothings come of it so far. Exactly like i thought it would.