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Air Ride Suspensions \  Why is my S-10 not sitting level?

Why is my S-10 not sitting level?

Air Ride Suspensions Q & A
views 6367
replies 13
following 13
zadaddy   +1y
Ok people I need help. I have a 1995 S-10 ext cab that is static dropped (daily driver). The springs are the same, tires/wheels are the same (trust me..i've checked everything by now), and spindles are the same. The left front is sitting about 1 1/2" lower than the right. I have checked everything I know to look at. I've made sure the springs are seated correctly. Any suggestions?
slammedcavvy   +1y
more weight on the driver side..the gas tank is on the driver side too so it weighs it down
dssur   +1y
s10 lean man, they all do that. some people say its because the gas tank is on the drivers side, I dont think thats true though.

I have noticed that as you lower the truck the passenger wheel creeps back further in the wheelwell than the drivers (they both creep back because of how the uppers are canted, but the passenger more noticably than the drivers, almost 3/4 inch), telling me that the control arm geometry is not the same bewteen both sides.
gorillagarage   +1y
my ex had a 2000 ext cab and it would lean brand new with stock suspension
Endless Kustoms   +1y
have u checked ur shocks cause mine was doin the same thang and i changed the shocks and it fixed the problem...
zadaddy   +1y
I've heard of the gas tank issue before (this is my 4th s-10...I used to have one bagged on 18s), but the lean doesnt change from no gas in the tank to full tank. Even the other trucks I have lowered before haven't had a lean like this.

I haven't thought about checking the shocks, but I will look into that.
fullyshaved   +1y
They all lean!!!!!! Some more than others. Actually i think belltech or maybe it was another company sells a kit to fix the problem. Its basically a spacer for the spring.
Endless Kustoms   +1y
yea that might be it. you'll find out if ur shocks r bad when u can put it in first and hop the front tires off the ground...
Texmextukin   +1y
All S-10's like to lean like that man, mine used to when its was just dropped. Belltech are the ones that sell the 1" coil spring spacer to level it out.
minipu95   +1y
yo dude it the s-10 lean man, all s-10 have it unless its bagged. u just have to live with i there isnt ne thing u can do bout it man. everyone goes through it.