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Ford Trucks \  Kansas City Ranger Owner Meet

Kansas City Ranger Owner Meet

Ford Trucks Make Specific
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dakotahq   +1y
A bunch of us from are getting a meet together for March 8th in/around Kansas City. The last meet we had started at Buffalo Wild Wings in Independence, then went to the Chiefs stadium for photo shoots, then went to the mall and just hung out for a while. This meet will probably be basically the same.


I'll post more info as it shows up...hope to see you there, Dakotahq.

rangers only or can s-10s come too
dakotahq   +1y
Edited: 1/12/2008 7:56:50 PM by dakotahq

Edited: 1/12/2008 7:35:43 PM by dakotahq

Last time we had a couple of non-rangers...As long as it doesn't turn into a chevy-vs-ford thing, I don't see the big deal with it...feel free to show up man...just keep in mind you might be slightly outnumbered by ford free to invite other people too man...We'll turn it into more of a custom vehicle meet than a ranger meet...why not, right?

also-more info: The plan is to meet at Buffalo Wild Wings in Independence for lunch, then just kind of play it by ear from there. I'll get times and what not later.
dakotahq   +1y
Edited: 1/15/2008 7:49:19 PM by dakotahq

Edited: 1/14/2008 11:13:07 PM by dakotahq

Edited: 1/14/2008 8:33:00 PM by dakotahq March 8th of this year we are going to hold a Custom Car/Truck meet in Independence, Missouri. The meet will start around Noon at Buffalo Wild Wings off of Highway 70 at exit 17. After lunch we will proceed to Arrowhead Stadium. According to mapquest, this little trek is about 10 Miles. Seems to me that this will be a good time to get some "rollin'" shots of everyone and some video if wanted. The stadium is a great place to get pics of each truck and great group shots as well...and, as some of you know, a great place to do

Although this is technically a Ranger owner meet, all you non-ranger owners feel free to show up and bring friends, the more the merrier...

Information will be added as it comes to light. Thanks, and hope to see you there, Dakotah.
greenranger 23   +1y
thats independence, mo right any way i'm down just keep me posted the older i get the more my memory fails
dakotahq   +1y
Edited: 1/14/2008 11:24:47 PM by dakotahq

Edited: 1/14/2008 11:22:09 PM by dakotahq

thanks man...i'll change

and I'll do my best to keep ya posted. Should I just PM ya or what?

side note: I actually saw your truck a few years ago at the street machine nationals in springfield, i think. Well, it was a green 4th gen with arrelli assassyns anyways...hope to see ya there man...and if the guy with the caddy wants to come out, he's more than welcome...
greenranger 23   +1y
yeah that was me before bags. i'll talk to kyle see if he's up for it
greenranger 23   +1y
how many people are coming
dakotahq   +1y
so far we've got 11 yes's and 10 maybe's from the RPS site...but we've got this posted on here, Ford Truck World, The Ranger Station, and Ranger there's no telling really...
dakotahq   +1y

nothing really...more people have said they'll be there...we're up to 17 "yes"s and 11 "maybe"s...still planning on March 8th at this point, still planning on noon as really not much has changed, so I guess this more of a "BUMP" than anything...
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