Saturday night I said good bye to my 3 boys as they loaded on to my in-laws tour bus. It was a surprise trip to disney, after the tour, for my boys I got a call last night at 12:45, all I could understand is that the buss had exploded on the interstate south of Macon Georgia. They got the buss stopped and evryone out with 1 minute to spare before it was completely engulfed in flames. As the fire dept. arrived it exploded. Everybody is ok but all of their sound boards, keyboards, all of the concert equipment, every last personal possession was on the buss. The church they had sung at last night had a small fire on their church van, so everyone was kinda joking about it during service last night. The preacher from the church joked that the bus would catch fire for them joking about his van. I wish I could see his face when they call him today to tell him. Sorry for the long post.