well, i decided this weekend that the burban's not worth all the bullshit i've put up with. I'm getting it fixed so it's safe to drive (new bags, new shocks and mounts, fix all the stuff on the frame), try to clean it up, and i'm selling the burban and my s10 and buying something stock in good shape and bagging it. I bought the burb for 2 reasons:
1. The s10 will always be a 2 seater, and since i have a 2 1/2 yr old, i wanted something cool the whole family can cruise in. This won't work, because i put my daughter's car seat in the burb, and the door handle is right where she can grab it. Not usually a big deal, but there's no lock due to shaved door, and the kicker is it's a suicide door. Don't really want her yanking that while driving down the road.
2. I'm 31 and work out of town during the week, i wanted something i did'nt have to work on all the time. I can only work on stuff on the weekends after everyone goes to bed (usually can start at 11pm or so, the wife's philosophy is since i'm gone all week, when i'm home, i need to be spending time with the fam, not working on a neverending truck project, and i'm too old to pull the all-nighters like i used to). My s10's been bagged for 4 years, i've got to drive it 3 months out of that. I bought the burban in August, i've driven it 3 times (counting the hellride bringing it 1400 miles from Utah to Arkansas). I'm tired of having cool shit that i have to work on all the time. I'm just going to buy a mid to late 90's suburban and get it bagged. Just drive it like that for a while, then if i want to do the rollpan/shaved shit/etc., i can do it when i want, and it does'nt need to be down all the time.
Sorry for the rant, but i wanted yall to be the first to know (well, 3rd or so, but ya know). thanks to everyone here for the help, this is always the first place i come when i need a question about a vehicle answered. I don't care about all the hating, it's not a tenth of the shitstorm i got flung on me when i tried to post anything on s10forum. SSM is the only website i visit everyday no matter what. It's crazy to make such good friends with people you've never seen in person (and probably never will see). So special thanks to potter, fatass s10, gavin, seth, and the countless others who've gone out of their way to help me out (and make fun of me) when i have a retarted ass question.