well i finally got a new toy to play with since i had to get rid of my s10. its a 90 mazda b2200 with only a little over 105k on it. i paid 200 for it and all it needed was a fuse, coil,battery, and caliper and it does run. i started it the other night. well if anyone has any extra parts laying around ill be glad to take them (freebies are always welcome). ill get some pics on here as soon as i find out how.
damn u, i payed $700 for mine. body is mint but sumbitch doesnt run. recently got a new motor,tranny,header,weber,edc,4 link, and front brackets for it though. i wanna start wrenchin on it so bad i cant stand it!
I got a few of them and tons of parts what do you need I may be able to help you out. And if anyone is interested i know where a good 4x4 bed is its on a truck but I can get the whole thing for $300 theres no front clip though but it supposively has a rebuilt 2.6 but I don't know for sure.
hmmm....i take it ur a jackass that i might know! oh and nope, i am, with the careful eye of sensei cobb! ahhhh, u must be eric? if u stay on ssm and read around a lil u might be able to learn something and maybe become capable of changing ur own oil!!!! oh and lif has a "e" on the end of it. like this ------> life.
oh yea.someone on there period?i was just asking.im sorry i dont have the time to stay on ssm like u do.i think i could chang my own oil buddy.i think if i had the time and tools i could bulid my own.i have to work.the whole lif thing is something i made a long time ago.