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Another Writing Project

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jiggawho111   +1y
Edited: 2/15/2008 8:15:41 AM by jiggawho111

Sent you an IM, you want some insight let me know. People dont get attracted to drugs because they are losers. People get attracted to drugs because they think its there only choice or wake up one day and realize they are gone. Noone I know ever set out to be an addict or loser. Calling them losers or lost causes makes you as much a part of the problem as them. I never knew an addict who sucked dick for drugs but I know plenty who did other things. Kris, get out of your fantasy world, addicts wont suck your dick, they would rather kill your wife and kids for there $20. Quit watching Chappelle and get with reality. Remember 30 years from now 30% of that paycheck you bring home now will go to support them and there 10 kids.

When I was 15 I started running with the big time dealers (BIG TIME). They lived the fantasy life in the fantasy house and drove the fantasy car. I even watched them sell to my family. You ever seen 100k cash? I have, its beautiful and ugly at the same time. There is only one reason to have that kind if cash. You ever seen a 40 year old man try and sell his x-mas gifts from his kids on the same night, I have.

One night always sticks out to me. X-mas night 1994. We are hanging at Mike's house passing blunts of the finest weed you could ever imagine. I'm 17 Mike is 24 noone else in the house is under 21. I am wearing brand new outfit and Nikes Mike bought me when I ran him to do his drops a few days earlier. Playing every new Sega game out (FIFA was my shit). In walks the old dude my sister brought to X-mas dinner at my parents house wanting to know if anybody wanted to buy the sweater his daughter bought him for x-mas do he could get a rock from Mike. I knew who was waiting in the car. right then I decided it would never be me.

I am 30 now and thanks to a good woman have a college degree make great money and married to a woman who has Dr. in front of her name. However I will never forget where I'm from. Never forget those I left behind and those I can't. Still don't know where my sister lays her head every night. Still thankful I have a sister in law who refused to give up on the one she loved.

My true friends who know my real story always tell me I should write a book and maybe one day I will. People who really know me know what I do for the youth and showing them the other side. What I think is more important though is our generation. We can either ignore them for now and support them in the future or smack them back into reality and let them know whats up.

Obviously this subject hits me deeply and I think is taken to lightly by the "I'm not addicted so I'm better" sect of our generation and that is sad.

I have 1 brother and 1 sisterI made it out by being smart/dumb enough to hang out with there dealers and seeing where people ended up at 40. My wife, who now holds a PhD, grew up in the ghetto (ony white family in the neighborhood) and never met her real father also helped me.My brother was addicted to meth for years his wife never gave upMy sister, shes gone.

You want drug stories? I got drug stories,let me know

If you forget where you come from you're never gonna make it where you're going--RZA

BioSarra   +1y
wow, that is a lot of information, i will definately use you as a source for my paper.

bodydropped85   +1y
dam dude you should right a book.
mikedee   +1y
there are so many people in so many places,that you would never even dream of who do drugs.i have been clean for a long time , and honestly for me it was just a part of my life i was done with. my parents smoked cigarettes , did not drink nor curse, so it wasnt something i was raised around. just got around the wrong people at a early age and it went from there. i have never been ashamed ,or hid what ive done.but i did, and still do like to party,i just have fun in other ways.... and my job would not like it..stupid drug tests lol . but seriously ,growing up in a smoking household i couldnt stand cigarettes,you dont realize how bad you smell until you leave home and then go back for a visit and your clothes reek of smoke so smoking weed was not for me. i liked to go the other way up not down. ive always said my addiction to drugs was not the "have to have it" but more for fun, the addicting part was that if you had never done it you wouldnt know what you were missing if it was offered to you,how ever if you have done ,whatever drug, its harder to turn it down. dont get me wrong theres still plenty of times i wouldnt mind a lil here and there but like i said with age comes responsibility, and sometimes you just flat outgrow some things. and as far as sucking d**k for drugs not saying it doesnt happen, but never seen it, and i have always had a job. i have been in the heavy lift industry for 17 years, and a lot of people do a lot of diffferent things, but ive reached apointin my career where its just not feasable any more, plus i dont want to throw away a 100 grand ayear job, and stories ,oh yeah ive got enough stories to fill several books if you have any ?s hit me up c-ya jason
bdroppeddak   +1y
id write a report based on the tales of tyrone biggums..... i'll stick to what ive learned from documentaries like half baked and educational programs such as the chappelles show.... you crackheads can go find your escape from reality, the overdose is another way to weed out the weak....
BioSarra   +1y
dude, i dont want this to turn into talking shit on others. this is strictly for educational purposes. these guys are telling their stories to help me out, not to get bashed on.
we all do stuff that isnt too rad, but theyre obviously past it, so dont give them shit for it.
bdroppeddak   +1y
i have an addiction to pooping on hot chicks and having them poop on me.... we will wait til you are writing a college paper on addictions to go in depth....
jiggawho111   +1y
Originally posted by BioSarra

dude, i dont want this to turn into talking shit on others. this is strictly for educational purposes. these guys are telling their stories to help me out, not to get bashed on.we all do stuff that isnt too rad, but theyre obviously past it, so dont give them shit for it.

Dont worry about him, he is here to try and cop a laugh off of poop jokes. In the real world we would chew him up spit him out and send him home butt naked and broke crying to his momma about the cruel world. Its obvious from his posts he either lives in a fantasy world or a very sheltered one. Believe it or not Cris there are some very intelligent junkies but addiction robs you of your soul. It doesnt make you weak it makes you human.
bdroppeddak   +1y
heres an idea, there are gazillions of shows, documentaries, books, etc on what drugs do to you, if you do drugs you are the biggest moron in the world, and your own damn fault to get addicted!! i mean, why would you want to do something like crack or meth when the comedy of them is so mainstream its on network television constantly?
BioSarra   +1y
guys, i really didnt mean to start waves with this. i just needed help.
cris, people all have their own reasons for doing him, and like i said, hes over it and it was a learning experience for him.
i dont want people fighting when all i need is help writing.
i dont want this shit going on so i am going to have this deleted and i will continue to get help through PMs and other sources.