I am getting ready to swap out my POS air liftbags, I was wondering what bag everyone is running? I want slams, Should i go with RE 5's front and rear? I dont plan on running a v8 or hauling anything ever....
re6s up front, whatever in the back just not re5s. and the bags Scooter is talking about where the old RS slam bags, they are no more, the new ones are the RE series. theyre fine, no probs. RS' just peeled a lil.
Slams all around biggest you can fit. By the way is that slam rs defect something to worry about, I think I have the older ones you guys were referring to.
heck i love slams that is what id run i had some of them RS bags and they peeled but it wasnt to bad well not bad enough to yank them out and trash them lol i would maybe run some firestones to but i'm a slam guy they ride and lift alot better