metal bonds to fiberglass really well, if the metal and fiberglass are prepped right. the rougher the metal the better. i shaved the mirror holes in my doors on my ranger( 8 1/2 in holes) using small pieces of fiberglass from the rear. preppted the door w/ 80 grit from the inside and use kitty hair once it cured for 24hrs. still holding 6 years later. and it was my daily for 3 of those. since your working w/ a splash, take the bedside off. only disadvantage is you will be loosing the bolt that is behind the taillight. i would recess the fillers in just enough so u can put a couple layers of matt over them, using them for more support then trying to fill the hole. now the caddy buckets will be a lil tricky, i would fit the filler in the hole, secure it(tape usually works) and weld what u can of the metal bucket to the filler and go ahead and grind the welds then overlap matt as much as you can. just be sure to grind were you ar adding new matt and resin till you can see the fibers, but not past technically your making fiberglass fillers, but you also have steel to mount some of the caddy bucket to.i would cut out the inside of the pocket so you can glass the back side and seal it off w/ a ton of resin once you are done, since its water proof