lost cause
I gave my lil' sister the best damn bithday present anyone could ever ask for!.......I straightend out and painted here ding box of an accord wagon......(That Lucky Bitch!!)
I don't have many pics because this is when my camera broke a couple of months ago....so, SORRY FOR THE SHITTY PICS, most of them came off of my cell phone (thanks to help from bio sarra)
Anyways.....after knocking out the body work I sprayed the bitch in black base and then I completley covered it in a deep purple flake.....
And ofcourse I had to do somthing alittle different for her, so I airbrushed some purple pearl to look like fire w/ nautical stars that flop from purple to blue.....( so the fire and the stars acually dissapear when the lights not directly on it) kinda like "ghost flames" or somthing.....
I also pinstriped the stars in purple so you can always see the outline of the stars,....even when they "dissapear"
^^^^I pinstriped my logo with a fine little purple line, But I can't any pics, so that's not the finished product...lol
Well That's all the pics I have for now, I don't see her that often so I don't have pics of the completed paint job.......but you get the idea ....what do ya' think so far?
Thanks guys,
"Lost Cause"