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Old School Minis \  look what i GOT TODAY > pic on page FOUR !!

look what i GOT TODAY > pic on page FOUR !!

Old School Minis General Discussions
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sirbodydragger   +1y
Edited: 2/28/2008 6:24:35 AM by sirbodydragger

Originally posted by lucky_brew

cool i could drive them and save shipping... thanks man! you still up for the hunters show?

yeh ill be there

bodydropped85   +1y
yea but didnt they use the wide 5 wheels?

polish teh whole thing? have them chromed haha. LMK how much that re drilling runs ya, i need to have mine changed possibly.
societyoutkast   +1y
those are sick i would love them
The centers are anodized. Easy way to get it off is to use the powder draino mixed in water. BUT you must make sure you use a brush and move it around. If you let it sit to long it will etch the wheels. You can either dremel the centers to clear off the casting marks or work with the black compound to try and level it out that way.Fully polished they look bitchin. Andrew had them on the spacecab a day before his cover. The 405 finished them off before the shoot.

lucky_brew   +1y
^^^^^^ thanks dude! that will help me out a lot! how bout polishing them after i get all the black shit off?
lucky_brew   +1y
btw: which spacecab? got a pic?
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by bagged85

yea but didnt they use the wide 5 wheels?

polish teh whole thing? have them chromed haha. LMK how much that re drilling runs ya, i need to have mine changed possibly.

im just not sure bout redrilling the hubs- if i do that then im stuck with a weird lug pattern if i decide to get diff rims. if i run adapters ill have to shorten the uca/lca. according to seth (twisted minis) ill be about 1/2" off to get them to tuck- ARGH! what now ???

suckafree   +1y
I do some aluminum wheel refinishing from time to time I can walk you through polishing them to a high finish if you want. Let you know the best products to use and what not.beforeduring (left) after (right)
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granth   +1y
some better pics im sure would do it a bit more justice. but a step by step could help anyone on the site thats lookin for it. hopefully this section brings out a few tech tips we can forward the site, that maybe noone would have mentioned previously.

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